The wide world of the US Navy Hospital Corpsman.
As one of the largest rates within the US Navy it is only natural that these medical specialists end up doing a wide variety of seemingly very different things, based on duty assignments, training, and opportunities. Many people enlist as Hospital Corpsman with an eye towards a civilian career after leaving the military. Here is just a sampling.

1. Emergency Medical Technician / Paramedic
2. Licensed Practical Nurse
3. Medical Records Specialist
4. Search & Rescue
5. Medical Laboratory Technician
6. Biomedical Equipment Technician
7. Medical Imaging Technician
8. Food & Safety Inspector
9. Mortician
10. Physican Assistant
11. Phlebotomist
12. Respiratory Therapist
13. Dental Hygienist
14. Optician
15. Physical Therapy Asst.
16. Did you know that USN Hospital Corpsman also serve with the US Marines?
They are usually the guys that look like shaggy, out of uniform Marines. Or the sailors that can PT every other squid off the field. The Navy calls them Corpsman. IF they EARN it, the Marines call them Doc.
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