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The writer can point to what is unreal but he can not show you Reality.(1 min 36 sec)

The writer can point to what is unreal but he can not show you Reality.(1 min 36 sec)

    1. The writer can show you where you are in error but he cannot put you in possession of Truth.

    2. The writer can speak to you at length about peace, life, and joy, but he cannot tell you that the world is real.

    3. No one can speak about the ineffable because He is beyond words.

    4. But you can experience God's love for yourself. That’s the only way you’re gonna know.

    5. Listen to no one otherwise your experience will become conditioned, tainted, polluted, distorted, and contaminated.

    6. Which is better ?- Your direct experience with the Divine or a bunch of images and words created in your head

    7. You have to walk alone through the jungle and see for yourself.

    8. Walking alone means letting go of everything the world has taught you about everything.

    9. That means discarding everything you have constructed or fabricated.

    10. That means disregarding everything you have learned from books.

    11. That means letting go of everything you have learned from people who are not yourself.

    12. This will undoubtedly be the most frightening thing that you have ever done. Face the Unknown.

    13. No fear whatsoever is of God. He isn't into that kind of thing!

    14. When you release all grievances and see everyone as innocent, you transcend the need to listen to anyone again and you no longer need to seek knowledge from any book.

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