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Ideas Post

Thing's I could rant about

I spent two hours today writing and enjoyed it.  Maybe a little bit of anger is all I need to boost my writing.

    1. Security Jobs

    I hated them.  Zero hour contracts.  Making just enough to match your journey there and back.  Standing about for hours without a break.  Needing to wait an hour after asking to go to the toilet.  Customers screaming at you, hitting you, stealing, doing drugs, ect. Boss telling you to let the people you've just kicked out, back in because they're his friends.  Boss selling drugs to everyone and having you 'check the bathrooms for drugs'.  Being left on the door yourself multiple times.

    Hated it.  Never again.

    2. Employee of the month

    We had a teacher of the month in China.  After a few months I started to notice a pattern.  It wasn't given to the best teacher it was given to the worst to boost their mood or something.  This annoyed me, because I was doing tons and had more kid's staying in my class, parents loved me and kids were all doing great in exams.  Every important metric I was doing great, but I lost?  Over and over again.  I had enough so I printed out an A4 size photo of my face.  Cut it out and stuck it on the teacher of the month board.  I even got myself a paper crown 👑 and wore that all day.  I refused to remove it as I was the best.  It only lasted a day, but that was a great day. They soon abandoned the teacher of the month board.

    3. Inclusive learning

    I tried getting into a teaching course last year.  They wanted me to deliver a prescription describing why 'inclusive learning ' is a good thing.  After reading into it I saw that it wasn't quite as good as it seems and would lead to a generation of stupid kids.  I didn't get the position.  I'm right though.  Scotland's gonna go to hell pretty quickly.
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