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Things I've done today to procrastinate

I've got this frustrating and annoying case to finish today for work, but it's Friday and I've been procrastinating. I haven't finished the case yet, but I've done a lot so far today to procrastinate.

Things I've done today to procrastinate

    1. Took a nap to energize myself to get work done

    It did energize me, but it energized me to procrastinate more vigorously

    2. Decided to run out to Costco real quick to get gas and buy Halloween candy

    You know, I might need a full tank of gas before the weekend... except I didn't get gas because the line was too long. I got Halloween candy, but waited at the checkout line for 20 minutes... so much for "real quick"

    3. Fumbled around sifting through unimportant work emails

    It's not the important work I should have been doing, but at least it was "work related"

    4. Took my time eating lunch

    I certainly took my time chewing while listening to podcasts!

    5. Played with my dog a little

    While I was at Costco, I came across dog toys that were on sale. My puppy loved them. Great purchase, but had nothing to do with getting my work done.

    6. Reorganized my investments

    Made some minor tweaks in strategy. Moved a little money from here to there. Sold a couple of stocks that represented like 0.001% of my portfolio. You know, important money stuff.

    7. Looked at page 11 of 19 of the case I need to be working on, then decided to do some light reading to calm my mind

    I finally bought that book I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition, by Ramit Sethi, and I've been excited to get started reading it. So, I thought reading the first chapter might get me in the mood to work. Nope. I enjoyed the reading time though.

    8. Looked at my todo list to see if anything important needed to get done around the house

    Wow, I'm a master procrastinator.

    9. Did some pushups

    Health is more important than work, you know? See? I'd rather do pushups than get my important work done on a Friday afternoon.

    10. Typed up this list on NotePD

    I'm gonna get my work done after I click "Post", I swear! But isn't it important to recognize a problem and call it out? Okay, there it is, I have a procrastination problem. Now I'm going to click "Post" and finish that work case!




    ...oooo, what's that shiny object over there? ^^




    You're still reading my list?




    Are you procrastinating from doing something important?

    Git back to work!





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