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Things that are like magic

Things that are like magic

    1. Vegas sports odds

    They are almost always close. They almost always win.

    2. Synchronized traffic lights

    It's more amazing how few places have them. I always seem to get stopped and there are zero cars going the other direction.

    3. Driver assist options on new cars

    I drive old cars, but when I rent cars for travel, I'm constantly amazed at the new technology.

    4. 2-day Amazon shipping

    Or from anyone. How? Back in the day, if you ordered something through a catalog or the early internet, it would takes weeks or months.

    5. A password manager

    The best thing I spend money on. Can't live without one now.

    6. MacBook fingerprint scanner

    Could be my favorite part of the laptop. First laptop I've bought in over a decade that wasn't a Chromebook. Use your finger to unlock the screen.

    7. Streaming services

    People don't understand that 10+ years ago you could not watch Seinfeld or any show over and over again without commercials whenever you want. It's really cool. And even though I'm wasting time watching something, I'm saving time not watching commercials...

    8. Twitter when a big news event happens

    You are getting multiple accounts, real-time, from the area the event is happening. Some of it is Fake News, but you are smart enough to sift through the nonsense...

    9. eBooks

    I don't really like them, but the fact you can get them, I respect that...Most of us can get free eBooks through our public libraries. Speaking of which...

    10. Public Libraries

    There is so much value you can get out of one of these places. When I used to live close to one, it blew my mind. Free computers to use. Sometimes they will loan you one. Free books. Free DVDs. Free CDs. I've heard some will loan you art for free. Some of seminars. If you have kids, they have free events. It's incredible.

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