Things to do this weekAfter a lot of sleep I'm feeling a lot better. My energy's back and I'm ready to take on more challenges.1. China StuffPrint out a new doc. Sign it then upload all my education related stuff. Should be able to do that easily tomorrow.2. New designsTime to update my website for Christmas. Maybe I could offer a Christmas deal to get a few more sales.3. BookWrite some more of my biases book. I could make a new blog post with what I write.4. HolidayCould I cancel my holiday? If I get out to China I can sort out other arrangements for me to get out there. I think this is the best move forward.5. ReadI've not read in a while it'll be nice to read a bit and learn more.6. JokesI'll make a new video. Hopefully I can make a few this week.
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