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"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." (3 min 21 sec)


Welcome back, dear friends! In our last discussion, we explored how the Ninth Directive invites us to release the false witness we create in our minds about others and to cultivate a deep sense of forgiveness for ourselves and all beings. Now, let's dive into the final directive, the Tenth Directive, and explore what it means to not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

    1. Tenth Directive: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."

    The Tenth Directive points us towards the importance of aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with Love. It's not just about avoiding certain words or phrases, but about living in integrity with our true Self as spiritual beings.
    God is not a distant or judgmental figure, but rather the very essence of our being. We are all extensions of the divine. We are created in the image and likeness of God. When we "take the name of the Lord in vain," we are not just using profanity or speaking disrespectfully, but we are acting in a way that is out of alignment with our divine nature.
    This means that any time we engage in thoughts or behaviors that are not loving, forgiving, or peaceful, we are taking the name of God in vain. We are creating a disconnect between our true Self and our earthly expressions. We are once again reinforcing the ego's belief in unworthiness.
    Our thoughts and actions are always a reflection of our internal state. We must continually ask ourselves, "Are my words and deeds reflecting the divine qualities of love, compassion, and unity? Or am I speaking and acting from a place of fear, judgment, or separation?"
    Acting from a place of love and kindness honors the name of God, regardless of the specific words we use. We are aligning ourselves with the qualities of Love, and allowing that love to flow through us in all that we do. When we fall short or act in ways that are not loving we have the opportunity to forgive and choose again.
    So how can we practice this directive in our daily lives? Start by setting an intention each day to speak and act from a place of love and kindness. Notice when you find yourself engaging in thoughts or behaviors that are not aligned with love, gently redirect yourself back to love. You are a beloved child of God, worthy of love. Your true nature is one of wholeness and unity, not separation and lack.
    Every moment is an opportunity to align yourself with love. By speaking and acting from a place of love, compassion, and forgiveness, you honor the true meaning of God's name.
    As we come to the end of our exploration of the Ten Directives, let us remember that these teachings are not meant to be rigid rules or commandments, but rather invitations to live in alignment with our true nature as spiritual beings. By embracing the deeper meanings behind each directive, and applying them in our daily lives we can awaken to the truth.
    May we all continue to walk the path of love and forgiveness. We are always being guided and supported by the divine presence within us. Imagine us honoring the name of God in all that we think, say, and do.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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