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Top 10 attributes that make you a good friend

What makes someone a good friend? What should you look for when creating lifelong friendships?

    1. Trustworthiness

    Trust is the foundation of any relationship. This includes, friendships, family, life partners and business partners.

    2. Honesty

    This starts with yourself. You must be true and honest with yourself. After you know who you are, you can then be honest with everyone else. You can't possibly create strong bonds with ANYONE until you figure this out. Honesty also includes NOT LYING (to make false statement with the intention to deceive) ...about ANYTHING! When you are caught in a lie, this breaks the foundation of TRUST. Once your foundation is damaged, it takes time to be rebuilt...if at all.

    3. Being a good listener

    Being there for someone. Listening to their problems. It's not about you, it's about them. Listen more, talk less.

    4. Having Compassion and Empathy

    This doesn't mean to let people walk all over you. It also doesn't mean to enable people. This means to try to understand what they are going through and emotionally support them during the good AND bad times.

    5. Not being a Gossiper ( casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, true or untrue

    This is a big one, and it is also tied to trust. If someone gossips to you about someone, they are for certain gossiping to someone about you

    6. Having a Positive attitude

    Being upbeat and positive always makes for being a great friend. No one wants to hang around a negative person

    7. Being fun and not afraid to try new things

    It's not fun being around someone who's not willing to try new things. Bored people are boring!

    8. Loyalty

    Being loyal is very important. This means you have a strong feeling of support or allegiance to your friend or partner.

    9. Commitment

    Say what you do, and do what you say. People count on their friends. If you say you will do something...then DO IT!

    10. Having personal boundaries

    Very important! You can be a much better friend when physical, mental and emotional limits are established to protect yourself from being manipulated, used or violated by others. This is very healthy. You need this to have healthy relationships!
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