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Unusual ways to get an agent

    1. Get a celebrity to tweet your book

    It's not that hard. If you know someone who knows someone who knows a celebrity, have them make an introduction. Or just reach out on social media and say, "I love your work. Would you like to read my novel?" It happens all the time. Example: I did this with Rob Long (who was on HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and is a great writer). He tweeted me back and asked for my email address and he sent me his agent info that day. I later sold him a book idea after he tweeted about how much he liked one of my articles.

    2. Write a screenplay

    There are plenty of websites where you can post your screenplay for free and people will rate it, comment on it, etc. One of the most popular sites is called "scriptshadow". People will even offer to direct your screenplay or act in it if they like it enough. This gets you some serious exposure among movie industry people and also gets you meetings with agents who want to represent screenplays written by their clients. Another site is called "stage32" but I don't know as much about it since I've never used it but I do know there are many success stories from people using those two sites in particular to get agents. A third site is called InkTip which specializes in getting scripts made into movies made by independent producers who use the site to find scripts they can turn into movies (and they pay money for them). The more places you post your screenplay, the more chances you have of being noticed by an agent or producer or director or actor looking for their next project. And if you write a good screenplay then maybe an agent will want to represent the movie version of your project as well as your original work (this happened to me when I wrote the script for "ZERO", which was turned into a movie starring Michael Keaton).

    3. Write something controversial

    3a: Write something controversial about politics
    Make sure it has at least some truth in it so people can't dismiss it as pure fiction but also be careful not to reveal too much truth so that nobody can take action against you based on what you wrote (in other words, don't reveal secrets about companies or politicians unless they are public knowledge anyway). 3b: Write something controversial about religion
    This works best if there is some sort of schism happening within a religion right now so there are multiple sides arguing against each other and everyone wants new arguments on either side of the debate since old arguments get stale fast when repeated over and over again in the media 24 hours per day. For instance, right now would be a bad time to write something critical about Scientology because everyone is talking about Scientology all day long due to Leah Remini's show on A&E ("Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath"). But if there's an obscure religious sect that no one has ever heard of before then write something critical about them and their beliefs--and put out multiple articles online about different aspects of their beliefs--and soon enough someone from that sect will contact you wanting representation because they need help dealing with all this negative press attention they're getting from mainstream media outlets picking up your articles without crediting you as the source material for their own articles (yes, this has happened many times).

    4. Write political satire

    People love political satire these days so even if nobody buys your manuscript outright somebody might option your book for a low fee just so they can make money off selling TV shows based on your work should any networks pick up such shows based on what you've written (an option fee represents only 10% of what the publisher might eventually sell the rights for so even $10k is worth pursuing if
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