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Upgrading my home workspace

Little bit at a time

Upgrading my home workspace

    1. "New" chair

    Our office downsized from 3 to 2 floors this month and allowed employees to take a chair home. These are nice chairs, so of course I wheeled this chair through city streets to the parking garage where my car was parked to bring it home.

    2. Ordered an adjustable standing desk

    It's not a large one, it's not the most fancy one, but it'll get me standing, and it'll fit in the space I need it to.

    3. Pilar my new plant

    In addition to my new chair, there were also some office plants that needed loving homes. I picked a medium sized snake plant and she is now named Pillar.

    4. Pomodoro Timers

    2 timer cubes - one has 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes. The other has 15, 20, 30, and 60 minutes. 20-30 minutes of work - 5-10 minutes of break. Rinse, repeat.

    5. Agua

    Water, always have water.

    6. Natural light

    I'm set up near a window that gets some nice natural light. I'm liking it.

    7. To do: walking pad thingy

    I think this could definitely be beneficial. I like to fidget and really want to move more while working. Why not walk and work.

    8. To do: storage

    Some of my items are scattered about as I don't yet have the proper storage. Something that can be easily fixed, just need to figure out the type of storage I want.

    9. To do: background art

    The wall behind me is bare. This will not do. I want artwork that will match the nerdery of this room, but also fits my personality.

    10. To do: Break time stretch/short workouts

    All work and no play makes me a dull person. I'd like to use my 5-10 minute breaks to implement some stretches, little workouts, or yoga. This will require some research as I don't have any reference material at the moment.

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