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Vehicle Planning For Walker Fire

I'm not sure if long term planning is the best descriptor of how do things as opposed to intermediate term planning. The first two will happen one way or another, hopefully from revenue by sending our new trucks to wildland fires outside of our area. The last two are probably if money was no object ideas.

    1. Used Type 1 Engine

    Type 1 or pumper is used for structure fires. Aside from pump and water capacity, the big thing is that they carry ladders. The kind and age of what I would like to buy would be around $150,000. This would replace a 37 year old truck.


    2. Newer water tender

    These are water trucks. Tenders usually hold from 1500 to 3500 gallons. 2000 gallons is a good number for us, 2100 or 2200 would be better if possible but at 2500 gallons a second rear axel needs to be added and that is a complexity we may not want to take on. This would replace a 32 year old tender.


    3. ATV with tracks

    Very much a nice to have not a gotta have but is legitimate nonetheless. We get a enough snow here in most winters that something like this although bigger and maybe with a plow on the front would allow us to not have to wait for the roads to be plowed. We can't expect to get through two feet of unplowed snow in a fire truck and hiking in snowshoes trying to get to a medical call would not be good for the patient. The right ATV/UTV with tracks and a plow and we could get pretty much anywhere.


    4. Utility vehicle

    Probably talking about a pickup truck that would not be a frontline vehicle but used for hauling supplies and personnel during incidents and various errands that come up in the context of operating the department.


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