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Visions of Solarpunk

Solarpunk is a science fiction literary subgenre and art movement that envisions how the future might look if humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability, human impact on the environment, and addressing climate change and pollution. (from WikiPedia).

Visions of Solarpunk

    1. Bikes, Bikes, Bikes

    OK, maybe some scooters and skateboards too. Electric versions of vehicles are fine, but generally having human transportation that doesn't need lots of real estate for parking or pollute the air

    2. Green Space Everywhere

    Rooftops, vertical surfaces. Get that greenery everywhere for both its mental health benefits and reducing carbon dioxide.

    3. Instant Recycling

    The raw material of whatever you're disposing of is available to feed a 3D printer which will produce what either you or the next person needs.

    4. Reconfigurable Indoor Spaces

    Offices convert to living spaces. Spacious apartments convert to denser residences for families and back again. If 3D printing can make walls, furniture etc accessible and modular, it's easier to invest in urban densification, as a building can adapt to changing needs and demographics

    5. Reconfigurable Outdoor Spaces

    I hate golf but imagine an 18-hole course in the space of a single hole's course. When you finish a hole, the topography changes to be different. At the end of your game, the space turns into a soccer pitch or a playground or an outdoor concert venue.

    6. Drone delivery

    This one scared me at first as I had nightmares of air traffic collisions with various Amazon drones bumping into one another and dropping their boxes on our heads. Still if it could be done intelligently (networks, smart traffic control) and they work on the noise factor, delivery trucks wouldn't be clogging up our transportation corridors.

    7. Energy capture

    Humans generate energy all the time. A park bench uses the body heat of someone sitting on it to deliver energy to the grid (or power some nearby technology). A sidewalk captures the vibrational energy of pedestrians. Smart steered solar panels recapture energy from light pollution. Even a hot sidewalk on a summer day could provide heat to be converted for other use later.

    8. Animal Guardian Robots

    Apparently, the city of Toronto wants to ban cats from being outdoors without a leash to protect songbird populations, while simultaneously banning the feeding of pigeons (which are supposedly overpopulated). Rather than banning things, I imagine a drone that could monitor the cats and pigeon feeders and scare away the birds before harm is done.

    9. Sustainable Water Cleaning

    There's a nice creek behind my house, but I have to remind myself that it's fed by the street sewer run-off so it would have chemicals like motor oil or fertilizer in it. I wish all water use could have the undesirable chemicals removed and repurposed so we'd know that ponds and creeks are safe for life forms.

    10. Super Green Houses

    Your produce is local, but also as exotic as you like. Mangoes in Alaska for example.

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