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Ways to tap into your creativity

Everyone is creative in some way, just the outlet may be different. Here are some ideas on being more creative. 

    1. Look at your situation from different angles.

    I like photography as my creative outlet. When I have an idea for an image I take photos from different perspectives: high, low, side, on an angle, below, etc. in doing this I find something unexpected and often better than when I first started. 

    2. Stop saying “I am not creative”

    Some people are naturally gifted, yes. But creativity is a muscle that one chooses to exercise. If unused, ofcourse it will atrophy and take effort to rehab. Everyone can be creative if they chose to be. If I chose to say "I'm not creative" I'm just making an excuse. Maybe I have just not found the thing that gets me excited. Maybe I'm scared of failing. Take a step. 

    3. Being creative opens you to criticism

    Creativity involves failing. The first attempts don't work out. Or subsequent attempts are not as good as the first. Or others might not like or understand it and criticize it. Being creative and sharing with others invites opinions. But that's not the point. The point is doing it for yourself because you like it. 

    4. Creativity breeds more creativity

    Once you start, the creative muscle helps in other areas too 

    5. Be curious.

    What are you decent at?  How could you improve?  What could you try?

    6. Creativity isn’t always artistic

    Art is one form of creativity.  But so is solving problems. Finding innovative solutions. Building something that does not exist. Creating a new and better report  is also being creative. 

    7. Creativity is good for you

    Creating something that did not exist before and would not have existed without you can gratifying. Over time it boosts your reputation in a positive way. 

    8. Creativity is a space where it is okay to fail

    If it doesn't work out, that is okay. It might lead to something else.  You have to fail before you get good at something. And failure followed by improvement breeds confidence. 

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