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We have an aversion to self-deception, yet we are subconsciously for it. (2 min 10 sec)


    1. The ego's illusions.

    The ego creates illusions and false perceptions. We consciously reject self-deception, but the ego covertly reinforces it by distorting reality to protect its identity.
    On a conscious level, we actively try to avoid deceiving ourselves and seek the truth. However, the ego, which is a part of our mind driven by self-preservation and fear, works in the background without our awareness.
    It distorts our perception of reality to maintain its own sense of identity, leading to self-deception. So, while we consciously aim for honesty, our ego secretly undermines this effort by distorting our understanding of reality to protect itself.

    2. Recognizing our denial.

    Have you noticed how often we deny our true spiritual nature? We may claim to seek truth, but we consistently deny our innate divinity, engaging in covert self-deception.
    The process of engaging in self-deception and denying our own divine nature happens in the following ways:
    Identification with the ego.
    Neglecting self-reflection.
    Attachment to materialism.
    Fear and insecurity.
    Cultural and social conditioning.
    Lack of spiritual practice.
    Distractions and busyness.

    3. Choosing the Holy Spirit's guidance.

    We're encouraged to choose the Holy Spirit's guidance over the ego's deceptive whispers. Even when we resist self-deception, our choice to align with the Holy Spirit helps reveal our hidden self-deceptions.
    When we consciously resist self-deception and choose to align with higher spiritual guidance, we create a mindset that promotes self-awareness and truth-seeking. 
    This alignment helps us to take a deeper examination of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. As a result, we become more attuned to the subtle ways in which our thoughts have been deceiving us. 
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