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We're trapped in a world of our own perceptions. (3 min 05 sec)

Our actions are always in line with our worldview and how we perceive the world.

    1. Perception and perspective have distinct meanings.

    Perception is the lens through which we see the world. It's how we interpret things with our physical senses, like seeing, hearing, and feeling. It's the way you might look at a glass of water and see it as half-full or half-empty. Perception changes from person to person and even for the same person at different times.
    Perspective, on the other hand, is the way we understand and make sense of things in our minds. It's influenced by our thoughts, beliefs, and past experiences. Your perspective is your unique point of view or the angle from which you see things. It's what shapes how you interpret and react to the world.
    So, they are not the same. Perception is about what we see, hear, and feel with our senses, while perspective is about how we make sense of and understand those sensory experiences in our minds. Both play a role in how we experience the world, but they are different aspects of our experience.

    2. We all view the world through our own perception, which is shaped by our senses and experiences.

    Nevertheless, our perception does not represent the ultimate truth.
    Our perception is not synonymous with the ultimate reality.
    It's important to recognize that our perception falls short of coming close to ultimate reality.

    3. Perception is our unique interpretation of the world around us, shaped by our individual experiences, beliefs, and perceptions.

    It's a subjective lens through which we make sense of our surroundings.
    Because perception is unique to each person, it leads to differences in how people see and understand the world. Your perception holds no inherent advantage beyond your own understanding, which is why you find yourself engaged in arguments as you seek to persuade others to adopt your viewpoint.
    Understanding that perception is subjective leads to more open and empathetic communication. It allows us to acknowledge and respect the diversity of viewpoints, knowing that each person's perception is valid from their own standpoint.

    4. By adopting a perspective, we step into the shoes of others and become observers of life outside ourselves.

    Most people are trapped in their own perception which leads to misunderstandings and struggles. By making the shift to perspective, we break free from this self-imposed confinement and open ourselves to a broader, more compassionate view of the world.
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