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What is the ego. Part 4 (1 min 36 sec)


The ego is the part of our mind that focuses on selfish thoughts, self-importance, and separateness. It's what makes us believe that we are separate from others and need to look out for ourselves.

    1. To know reality is not to see the ego...

    True reality doesn't involve giving importance to the ego and its self-centered thoughts and actions. It's about looking beyond the ego's illusions and recognizing there exists a deeper truth.

    2. The price of believing in the ego...

    When we let the ego control our thoughts and actions, it leads to suffering, and this suffering is so immense that it seems like a sacrifice, symbolized by the "crucifixion of the Son of God." Following the ego, brings a lot of pain and harm, both to ourselves and to others.

    3. Our daily offerings at the ego's darkened shrine...

    We continuously give in to the ego's self-centered thoughts and actions, often without realizing it. The ego's influence is so strong that it's akin to a dark place of worship where people sacrifice their well-being and happiness.

    4. Our blood must flow before the altar...

    Because we are so deeply committed to the ego's way of thinking and living, it leads to harm and conflict, even to the point of causing suffering and harm to others. It's a strong warning about the consequences of ego-driven actions.
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