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Ideas Post

What were your best decisions last year?

    1. Starting to meditate

    I've gotten better at it, but still need to do with more consistency

    2. Accepting my breakup with my ex-girlfriend

    I spent a lot of ruminating on what went wrong, hoping I could fix things, relying on false hope, but finally realizing I needed to move on.

    3. Acknowledging and striving to deal with anxiety, boredom, and loneliness

    I didn't really know I was feeling these things until I was able to identify them as such.

    4. Tracking how I use my time

    5. Tracking my habits

    6. Working overseas during the New Year's Holiday

    I had to travel a thousands of miles to another country in order to have a normal office experience.

    7. Accepting that the people closest to me and that have cared about me the most are right about my shortcomings

    My mom and my ex-girlfriend are the two people that know me best. They've called me out on my shortcomings and I was always defensive because I didn't want to do the work to be better person, until now.

    8. Making consistent efforts to be more social and to get out of the house

    I'm a loner and can be anti-social. I want to change that since it doesn't seem to serve me very well.

    9. Trying to be a better conversationalist and active listener

    I've always been insecure about my conversation skills and being interesting to other people. I learned you have to have a genuine interest in and curiosity about other people rather than be self-conscious about how you come off, or thinking about what you will say next

    10. Realizing that I actually have the life I told myself I wanted, but now I want something different

    I have a stable job, good pay, a nice apartment in a good location, and no real responsibilities to others. I want to be able to help my parents in their old age, have close and meaningful relationships, and have the skills and the confidence to navigate uncertainty, difficulty, and obstacles in general. I worry that I'm domesticated and wouldn't survive in the wild (so to speak) if I had to...

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