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Why Discipline Is More Important Than Motivation?

Discipline is more important than motivation. They both have their pros and cons. The former difficult but under your control while the latter is powerful but unreliable. You must be in control and disciplined if you want to be unstoppable. When I was in college - every time I focused on motivation to get work done - my grades suffered. Once I switched to Discipline - they went back up. Same thing applies to business and skills you want to gather under your belt.

    1. Motivation is fleeting

    Motivation is a feeling that comes and goes. But when you train your discipline, you unlock the ability to achieve anything. If you have to choose discipline over motivation – choose discipline. Training your mindset to be disciplined can involve: -Setting the right priorities -creating new positive habits -decluttering unnecessary objects in your life - making your Environment work for you.

    2. Discipline can get you STARTED no matter how difficult it seems

    You can wait around for motivation to magically appear or you can just start. Starting out qualifications for doing big things used to be having large capital, license or certifications. While they could still make a difference in some careers like medicine or law, discipline is all you need these days to get started to achieve anything.

    3. Focus on the process, not the outcome

    With discipline, you put more emphasis on the process not the outcome. When you get your process right, the outcomes naturally fall into place. Even when shit hits the fan, the lessons you learn stay with you. Discipline is something you do, and choose to do. The most successful people I know all focus on the process no matter how "sexy" the outcomes seem. Unsuccessful people obsess about outcomes. They are always dreaming about luck and chance.

    4. Discipline helps you stay focused

    It takes self-discipline to stay focused. The more laser focused you are on the right things, the higher your chances of success. Discipline will take you places motivation can’t.

    5. Discipline is the key to staying Consistent.

    You’ll never reach your goals by merely wanting it badly. Put in the work even on the days when you’re just not feeling it. That’s where discipline beats motivation hands down.

    6. Discipline keeps you committed

    Through discipline you make rituals and habits that keep you committed. You need a stronger will and a deeper commitment to see things through. This is something you can’t achieve with motivation.

    7. Show up daily without quitting

    There’s no need to pretend as if we have it all together. ⁣ We’re all humans after all – struggling humans with emotions such as fear, insecurity, doubt… etc. ⁣⁣ We’re doing enough as long as we show up every day with an intent to get better in our own ways.⁣ Through mental discipline we choose to be winners, not quitters.

    8. Discipline equals Freedom

    To stop relying on motivation to get work done you got to discipline your emotions. Let’s say you want to get in shape– then you need to discipline yourself to say no to unhealthy foods. Then you choose foods not only based on taste or e.g. sweetness or packaging but rather nutrient-dense and say freshness.

    9. Discipline is the key to eliminating limiting beliefs

    To eliminate limiting beliefs and put in the work, motivation can be helpful but discipline is what is needed. How? Focus on your why, not the how. Take massive action even though you might experience discomfort despite your fear of failure to regain confidence & turn your dreams into reality.

    10. Discipline gets Results better than motivation

    Nothing kills motivation faster than not seeing any results. But it’s with discipline that you keep going no matter how many times you fail until you get your desired results. Don’t complain about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t put in. It’s the discipline that yields results.

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