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Yearly Review

Every year I review my year and my goals. This is my first 'think' about this, so these will change. And this is just skimming my calendar.

Yearly Review

    1. HIGH: I went to Atlanta, my first trip since Covidtide

    I still wear my mask in close places, but I feel safe enough to wander the country. 😊

    2. LOW: I spent some time with friends and someone gave one of my friends Covid . For a couple of days I thought I could have caught Covid - that did not make me happy

    3. LOW: Kid that was a band kid and looked like my brother was shot by a man for knocking on his door. Thank God, he survived

    4. LOW: My cats started fighting each other and one of them ripped fur out of the neck of the other

    5. HIGH: Published a few of my haiku this year

    6. LOWS: The Supreme Court this year

    So many horrible decisions. The status of women took a huge step back. In some states, they are no longer considered adults/ people.

    7. HIGH: Took Ultraspeaking Course

    Helped me break through some fears and made me less afraid to show myself.

    8. HIGH: Baked Using the cookbook Baking for One

    9. HIGH: Lost 7 lbs this Fall

    Just by cutting down my calorie intake and working out. I thought it was more than that. I have been working out for years, but eating without consideration.

    10. HIGH: Went to the PMI (Project Management Institute) Global Summit

    Learned a ton of stuff that I'm gradually folding into my life. Some of my goals next year will be based on this

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