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"You are the salt of the earth." Matthew 5:13 (2 min 5 sec)


    1. Beyond preserving, awakening to non-duality.

    Think about it like this: you know how salt preserves and makes things taste better? Well, in this same way, "You are the salt of the earth," it's like Jesus is saying we have this role in waking people up to the bigger picture.  We think we're separate from each other and everything else, but really, it's we're all one big interconnected thing. So, being "the salt of the earth" means helping others see through that illusion of separateness, dissolving it away, so we all realize we're all one big family.

    2. From "doing" to "being."

    When we hear this quote about being the salt of the earth, most people think it means doing good stuff, like being helpful or kind. But, if we look at it from a different angle, it's more about being your true self. Life is about letting inner peace and love shine through naturally because we're tapped into this sense of unity with everything. It's not so much about what you do, but about who you are at your core, spreading love and good vibes just by being you.

    3. A universal message, not a chosen few.

    Some people think that being the "salt of the earth" is just for certain special folks. But, if we look at it through a nondual lens, it's like saying that every one of us is that salt. We're all part of this big recipe of life, connected and embodying this oneness. So, when we hear that phrase, it's a reminder for all of us to wake up to this truth within ourselves and see it in others too. It's about coming together in a world where the illusion of separation fades away, and the light of Oneness shines through in everything we do.
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