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"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." (4 min 13 sec)


Greetings, fellow seekers of truth! In our last discussion, we explored how the Eighth Directive invites us to cultivate a deep sense of trust and faith in the universe's ability to provide for our needs. Now, let's turn our attention to the Ninth Directive and explore what it means to not bear false witness against our neighbor.

    1. Ninth Directive: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

    The Ninth Directive points us toward the ego's tendency to project our negative judgments onto others, creating a "false witness" in our minds that we believe reflects reality. When we engage in gossip, criticism, or judgment of others, we are not seeing them as they truly are. We are seeing them through the lens of our fears.
    The ego thrives on comparison, constantly seeking to elevate itself by putting others down. When we bear false witness against our neighbor, we are bearing false witness against ourselves.
    This directive invites us to take responsibility for our thoughts and to recognize that the other person is not the problem. They represent the false witness we have created in our minds. It encourages us to look beyond surface appearances and to see the love within even those who push our buttons.
    It means to approach others with a sense of compassion. We must recognize that our actions are a reflection of our own pain, not a reflection of who they are.
    Seeing the good in others naturally reduces the amount of judgment we project outwards. We become more able to respond to challenging situations with equanimity. Acting from a place of defensiveness is rooted in fear, not love.
    Forgiveness is a key practice in releasing the false witness we have created in our minds. When we forgive ourselves and others for any judgments we have held onto, we create space for true healing. We are all doing the best we can with the tools we have. Our nature is one of love and wholeness, not sin and deficiency.
    So how can we practice this directive in our daily lives? Notice when you find yourself engaging in gossip, criticism, or judgment of others. Pause and ask yourself what false witness you are creating in your mind. What pain within yourself is driving your negative perception?
    Practice extending compassion to others, especially to those who are difficult for you. Their actions are a reflection of their inner state, not a reflection of who they are as God's Son.
    True peace comes from within, not from trying to control and change others. Own your thoughts and perceptions and cultivate a deep sense of forgiveness for yourself and others.
    In the final part, we'll explore the Tenth Directive: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Get ready to discover how this teaching invites us to align our thoughts, words, and actions with Divine Love.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.


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