@career @careerchange @sidehustles #over50
1. Leverage WHO you know.
Ask old classmates, coworkers, friends, etc. what they are now doing then ask them for ideas for you.
@career @careerchange @sidehustles #over50
Ask old classmates, coworkers, friends, etc. what they are now doing then ask them for ideas for you.
UBI is possible. Especially with redistribution of tech wealth and other extremes of wealth.
Not only gets steps in, but exposes you to sunlight, which we know is good for health.
This is a busy time of year - personally and professionally. I strive for balance, knowing perfect balance is not possible.
Try to be present in whatever you're doing with others.
It helps me to get away and I especially like to be in nature, preferably near a creek for the sound of the water. Japanese concept of forest bathing.
Still fun to me at age 55.
This is #1 and by FAR the most important. As an entrepreneur, getting and paying for good health insurance is my biggest challenge.
Try stuff. Always.