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Ideas Post

10 ideas about "gifted" and "disabled" people

    1. Strongly disabled people are often pure. Language is a learned concept. Sound is fundamental. Stephen Wiltshire and Kim Peek are good examples of this. Their strength is holding past memories rather than creating future memories.

    2. Holding past memories. Sometimes disabled people can't do this. Amnesia is an example of this. At some point, holding past memories comes naturally. Creating new memories does not happen in isolation.

    3. Those are terms created by humans. You have to think like a crazy person to understand them. Gifted people are not always more intelligent than disabled people. What ! You should be surprised. But it's true.

    4. "Gifted" people are very, very, often messed up by our society. In most countries. And disabled people are often treated worthless. Because the world is built upon giving value to other people. And that is difficult for them.

    5. You can be a "gifted" idiot. Idiot savants. This usually means that you can't do a few simple things other people can do while you can do something extraordinarily well that normal people can't do. Like calculating a 39 digit number.

    6. "Gifted" people are often disadvantaged because they are "gifted". You might make use of your ability to remember an unusual amount of information and neglect thinking critically or creatively. Or you might feel superior. You're not.

    7. "Disabled" people are often advantaged because they are "disabled". Starting in a bad position it is often difficult to get worse. But in most cases it can get better. Many "disabled" people tend to work harder. Really ? I haven't met them.

    8. Some ideas are fluid and crystallized intelligence. Crystallized is about the past. Fluid is about the future. And the past shall be used as a guide for the future. There's lots of theories. But they're made by "gifted" for "disabled".

    9. If you are disabled, you should like this ideas: turn around by 180 degrees to look behind you. Now your future is ahead you. Your brain is a gift and you are gifted. WOW - MARKETING !

    10. We all start in a different place. But most of us have similar options.

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