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Ideas Post

10 Ideas for Jaded Young People

I've encountered a few lately.

    1. Stop cursing.

    I curse sometimes, but if you are using one curse word per every few sentences, then you might want to investigate the underlying cause of that ...

    2. Use your knowledge for positive change.

    You (young person) in fact probably are more knowledgable than me, relatively speaking, considering the amount of knowledge that you have access to.

    Of course knowing stuff is not the same thing as doing good stuff with that knowledge, or wisdom.

    3. Watch what you listen to.

    A vastly significant proportion of today's music is focused on negativity.

    I won't go into detail here. There are studies & articles written on it.

    Or, you can simply look in the 'You Tube Music Explore New Music' area.

    Look, I actually like a lot of the new artists.

    But the messages are amplifying one side of reality.

    We need both.

    4. Make time for silence.

    I recently asked a group of ~30 young people in a room, how many had tried any form of meditation.

    One hand went up.

    5. Study the spirit of other generations.

    I understand that we are not in the 1960's, and that everything is not OK, lovey-dovey, and optimistic.

    However, what you're feeling now - that's NOT the way things always are, or have to be.

    6. Touch things.

    We are a bit too separated from tactile experience.

    I'm excluding touch-screens here, that's digital.

    Touch is an important form of sensory input.

    The farmer doesn't learn how to farm by reading.

    The engineer doesn't learn how to build by dreaming.

    7. Plant seeds.

    These can be literal, or metaphorical.

    Whatever change you want to see in the world, it will not happen overnight.

    (Despite the fact that you get most things at the touch of a button.)

    Change is incremental, and largely unnoticeable while it's happening.

    Little things that you begin to do today, with persistence and nurture, manifest tomorrow.

    8. Organize.

    This doesn't have to be political or en masse.

    A small group of 5 or 10 people can get a lot of shit done.

    9. See your beauty.

    I hear many beautiful young people talking about themselves or behaving as if they were ugly, of low value, or not something beautiful to be respected and honored.

    That kind of talk & behavior is nonsense.

    10. Ask for help.

    You may know a lot, but you don't know everything.

    Someone has walked a similar path before you.

    11. Remember that what you see on social media is not an accurate reflection of the real, daily life of people

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