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Ideas Post

10 Ideas for Keeping Creativity Awake

In my previous list, I spoke about how creativity doesn't die but it may fall asleep. Here are 10 ideas to help wake it up if you're struggling.

    1. Paint

    Doesn't need to be good, bad or even recognisable. Just simply get some paints and get cracking

    2. Create Music

    Again, doesn't need to be good - it just needs to get the creative juices going.

    3. Write a song

    Simple words to a simple tune - doesn't matter how you do it, just write a song and then you can follow up with idea 4...

    4. Perform that song

    Singing is good for the soul.

    5. Dance

    Everyone can bust-a-move... Get yourself on the dance floor that is your living room.

    6. Write a short story

    This can be a little tricky to do if you don't have any ideas - thankfully the next idea can help.

    7. Write down some ideas

    Short stories, songs, musical instruments you want to learn - doesn't matter what the ideas are for, just pick a theme and write them down.

    8. Create some jokes

    Everyone loves to laugh.

    9. Create a game

    A good one for the parents.

    10. Cook/Bake

    Coming up with your creations in the kitchen can be a whole lot of fun.

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