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10 Ideas to be prepared for emergency landing

When I was an undergrad and flying home for a vacation, I remember having only 50 rs (less than a dollar) in my pocket. I loved buying gifts for family and had spent every remaining $$ on gifts, except the cab money I needed to get to the airport. (P.S. I was going to get a refill of my money pot when I got home. In India, typically family takes care of the kids financially until they are financially independent or don't need anymore) . When my brother got to know about it later, he was mad. He asked me how I could get onto a plane without any money, as money is anyone's best friend when stuck somewhere (especially 20 years back when cell phones were not common). I said, "I would have been ok. I had enough money to get to the airport, and once I landed, dad would pick me up". And that's when my brother said, "what if there was an emergency landing for whatever reasons. How would you have managed". So, my today's post is dedicated to 10 things to be prepared for an emergency landing or when in a similar situation:

    1. Money

    Keep sufficient money with you (ideally a bit into cash, and remaining in whatever form you may use- credit, debit, prepaid et all).

    2. Medicine

    Keep your medicine (if applicable) with you and not in the check-in baggage

    3. Food

    I try to have some snacks with me for emergencies as sometimes flights dont have any food on them; flights take much longer than expected, sometimes you wait within the aircraft for 2+ hrs before the flight takes off and the server can serve u

    4. Important phone numbers

    Keep 1-3 important numbers written down somewhere. We all rely on our phones way too much. What if you lose your phone, the battery is over, and no way to charge it, you drop your phone and break et al.

    5. Woolens

    Always keep a jacket with you while flying. So many times, I have flown from extremely hot weather to extreme cold or vice versa, and having layers has always helped.

    6. Extra pair of clothes

    Gone are the days when I kept a pair of clothes in my carry-on while I also had check-in baggage. However, it does not sound like a bad practice just in case or if baggage is lost/delayed.

    7. Mask

    Mask: covid, or no covid, I would always wear a mask inside aircraft. This is one thing I have realized lately, given the proximity of many people that sit close to u. They may just have common flu. However, who wants to get even that.

    8. Phone charger

    I always keep one with me even if I have only an hour-long flight and my phone is fully charged

    9. Power backup

    This is my favorite. I have a small one, and I plan to upgrade to a larger one. P.S. some countries such as India have rules that you CAN NOT have power back up in your check-in luggage. Though perfectly ok to have it with you in your carry on

    10. Empty water bottle

    I also like to carry an empty water bottle with me that I can fill on the airport. That ways I don't have to waste plastic in buying a disposable bottle at the airport. Also, comes in handy and can be refilled as many times as you want.

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