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Ideas Post

10 Important Events in the History of the Emergency Medical System (EMS)

    1. 1865: The Metropolitan Police Act establishes a police ambulance service in London, the first of its kind in the world.

    2. 1906: The St. John Ambulance Association is established in the United Kingdom, providing first aid and ambulance services.

    Today it has expanded to over 40 countries. St John Ambulance - Wikipedia

    3. 1924: The American College of Surgeons establishes the Committee on Trauma, which is responsible for developing standards for trauma care in the United States.

    4. 1964: The Emergency Medical Services Systems Act is passed, providing federal funding for the development of EMS systems across the United States.

    5. 1966: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration publishes the "White Paper" on traffic deaths in the United States.

    Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society - Wikipedia

    6. 1970: Major metropolitan areas in the US begin paramedic services

    Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, among others start municipal service.

    7. 1970: National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians is formed in the U.S.

    National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians - Wikipedia

    8. 1971: Freedom House Ambulance Service is founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    Freedom House Ambulance Service - Wikipedia

    9. 1972: Emergency! airs for the first time on January 15 on NBC

    I don't know if a single TV drama has ever created more of a national awareness and movement than did the weekly adventures of Johnny & Roy.

    10. 1996: EMS Agenda for the Future

    Another milestone study looking at ways for EMS to move into the future. The single biggest idea to emerge from this was the idea of Community Paramedicine. The idea that EMS could be a medical extender within the community setting and not stuck only in its traditional role of treatment and transport.

    11. 2002: The U.S. Institute of Medicine releases the "Crossing the Quality Chasm" report, which calls for significant reforms in the EMS system to improve the quality and safety of care.

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