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Ideas Post

10 More Quick And Easy Ways To Turn 1 Idea List Into Several New Pieces Of Content

    1. Take each idea on your list, and turn each one into it's own idea list... and generate 10 ideas for each of them.

    2. Take each idea on your list, and record yourself talking with someone different in your industry about each of them... Use the audio and video as you please.

    3. Take each idea on your list, and turn each one into a mini-challenge... where people have to come up with ideas on the best ways to execute on each one. Create new content where you discuss and analyze all the different solutions they gave.

    4. Take each idea on your list, and write down your own "personal experience stories" for each one... and use that as content.

    5. Take each idea on your list, and look for quotes by old, famous, dead people around each of those ideas and... turn those quotes into images, video shorts, and more.

    6. Take each idea on your list, and write down ways to improve each one and use that as content.

    7. Take each idea on your list, and walk around the beach interviewing people on their thoughts on each idea... and use the video recordings as content (with their permission of course).

    8. Take each idea on your list, watch 10 videos on YouTube around each idea... then create content where you share, summarize, analyze, and discuss what you've learned.

    9. Take each idea on your list, create an action plan for each new idea... and turn those action plans into blog posts, videos, tweets, PDFs, audio clips, and more.

    10. Take each idea on you list, and make new lists of top 10 examples of excellence in each of those ideas.

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