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10 positive things about getting older

It's easy to list the negative aspects of advancing years (and I'm talking about 60+ here), as they seem to be endless (or do I just have a pessimistic personality?). I want to rewire my brain to see the positives so that when an age-related limitation is reached I can reframe it in such a way that I end up laughing at the situation. As Aldous Huxley said: “Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.”

10 positive things about getting older

    1. More time to spend with family and friends.

    2. There are lots more positive memories that can be recalled.

    Especially important when tempted to dwell on the age-related limitations.

    3. Being able to get on the floor and play with kids toys again (without being thought of as weird).

    Grandchildren are wonderful for this.

    4. Can see the benefits that difficult times produced.

    Similar to #2. As the saying goes, "every cloud has a silver lining", and it's often only with hindsight that the silver lining is apparent.

    5. Being able to give the screaming toddler back to their parents.

    Only as a last resort.

    6. Being able to indulge in a hobby.

    Having the time and patience to carry out a frivolous activity just for the sheer pleasure of it.

    7. Not having to race off to work in the morning if you don't want to.

    Although gainful employment (even if it's part-time) may still be advantageous and has many benefits, like being able to enjoy the company of younger people and feeling useful, everyone understands when you need to take a "wellness" day.

    8. Having lots of tricks up you sleeve.

    Especially true when it comes to spending time with the grandkids or other small children. But also all the little hacks that have been picked up with a lifetime of experience. The important thing here is to notice and enjoy employing them.

    9. Being able to laugh at yourself.

    When a senior moment happens it can be seen in the context of a lifetime of events and thusly its insignificance.

    10. Getting a feeling of achievement over small things.

    Like finally getting to #10 here. Or any other small accomplishment that in the past may not have even been noticed.

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