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10 questions for my random question book

I want this book to be positive and fun, so I'll be avoiding negative questions (what's currently making you angry?) and close ended questions (do you like x, what's better X or Y?).

I want these questions to help build trust, community and share useful knowledge.

If you enjoy these questions, please answer one in the comments.

    1. What's your favourite podcast episode, you have listened to, this week?

    * I'm assuming you've all listened to James podcasts, so I'll share something else. ('How to make your Romantic Life Better' has been my favourite this week. Buying his book soon.)

    I'm currently enjoying The Joe Rogan podcast with Gad Saad.

    2. You wake up as the president. How do you deescalate whatever political issue is happening now?

    I'd wait until both Ukraine and Russia are weak then sweep in and take over both countries.

    I honestly don't know how I'd handle this. Talk to Putin and keep adding to the pie until both sides can walk away happy.

    3. You wake up in a jail cell. How did you end up there?

    I got reported for a Hate Crime, due to someone, misunderstanding and taking offence at one of my jokes.

    4. What failure has been a blessing in disguise?

    I failed in getting a good job in Scotland, which led to me teaching in China for 4 years.

    5. What is the single best episode of any show?

    King of the hill - Bobby goes nuts

    I've watched this multiple times and It still makes me laugh.

    6. If you where homeless, how would you survive?

    I'd buy canvases and pens and sell my art. I'd offer advice for money (would people want a homeless mans advice?), I'd share meals and make friends. I'd save up for a sleeping bag/tent.

    7. If your life was a sitcom, what would it be called?

    The Rocco Effect

    8. When has a child known more than you?

    When in China they all knew Chinese better than me and would teach me words and phrases (and laugh at my poor pronunciation).

    9. What is the most useful item you own?

    It has to be my phone. Podcasts, music, messaging, YouTube, photos, videos etc. so much of my life revolves around my phone.

    10. How would you describe your style?

    plainly cool
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