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10 random, irrelevant memories from my life

Thanks, @lovingkindnesscomedy, for this one.

10 random, irrelevant memories from my life

    1. Mets Game '69

    Waiting to get in the car to go to the Mets game (vs the Expos) because there was something going on in the neighborhood. Turns out the father of my best friend beat up his mother. Things changed a lot after that.

    2. Playing street hockey

    On the dry asphalt ice rink, with old school metal roller skates on our sneakers. The rink had lights, so we got to play at night. The sound probably rattled the neighbors, but we had fun.

    3. Brief dip in the ocean in the Bahamas

    First "real" job out of college, 1983, helping run the organization's convention. Only got free for about a half hour over a whole week when the sun was out. Got a bit of a tan, a bit of a dip, then back to work. Never have been back.

    4. The view from the second floor bedroom

    My first home, a condo. Used the second floor front bedroom as an office. Large windows. The view wasn't great in and of itself, but much more panoramic than the little side window where my office is in the current home.

    5. Not DUI

    Out with friends for dinner, heading home. Wife doesn't drink, so she's driving. Get pulled over just outside the restaurant. Three cars of our friends, all of whom were drinking, drive past. Wife gets a warning for a 'sudden turn' (no lights on the road in a rural area).

    6. "You've Got... Kittens"

    My neighbor stopping me one day to ask if I knew I had kittens behind our shed. Nope. We socialized them, placed three of the five, kept two. The mother cat was friendly, but didn't want to be rescued (wife got a good scratching trying to bring her into the house). She went away and didn't come back (the mother, not the wife).

    7. Getting Things Delivered to the House in the stone age of the '60's.

    Fuller Brushes. Milk, in glass bottles. Cloth diapers (I think they took back the "used" ones...). Frozen meat (Arctic Foods). And, the best for the kiddos, the Good Humor truck.

    8. Old School Calculator - 1971


    Had one of these (and not the banana). When we were moving in to a new house (1971), I remember hanging out in the kitchen, and playing with this waiting for something... maybe the moving van?

    9. School lunches

    Tuna salad subs, square pizzas, mystery meat. And that one food fight in high school where the instigator got splattered by a one-hop throw of a bowl of cole slaw off the table by where he was standing.

    10. Tackle football at the Middle School

    As kids, and as adults, we played tackle football in front of the middle school (Linwood School, as memory serves). Ignoring the fact that there were two sidewalks that crossed the field. Don't think anybody ever got seriously hurt, but it made things interesting.

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