10 Recovery Aphorisms that Help in Daily Life
Recovery is a lifestyle - and I personally believe that many principles that are shared in rooms across the country are valuable to everyone - not just those who struggle with any type of brokenness.
Here's a list of helpful sayings to remember as you go through your day...
Here's a list of helpful sayings to remember as you go through your day...
1. Unexpressed Expectations are Reserved Resentments
It's never a good thing to be in resentment!
2. You Can't control People, Places or Things
3. Change your Playgrounds and Your Playmates
And, if certain places cause you problems - you need to evaluate why they are a problem in your life - and see if you can minimize being there.
4. A Half Truth is a Whole Lie
I know I've used them with my son and others.
This saying leads me to want to be more intentional with my words - and not lead anyone on unintentionally.
5. Do the Next Right Thing
6. It's None of my Business What Other People Think of Me
But it's not my job to manage other peoples expectations of me. That's on them.
7. Share your Experience, Strength and Hope
We have the battle scars and the stories to share with others who haven't experienced the same things we have.
8. Be on Guard for the Unguarded Moment
I wasn't prepared to be upset and angry. But, as I've grown, I realize that I have to guard myself before doing certain activities.
9. HALT! (Are You Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired?)
Run thru the letters.
Am I Hungry? Eat Something.
Am I Angry? Call someone or journal it out.
Am I Lonely? Call someone, go to lunch with a friend, spend time with your family.
Am I Tired? Take a NAP!
10. Take it One Day At a Time
It's all you have.
You can't do anything about the days that have already passed. You can't project out into the future.
You have to deal with is the here and the now. You need to make the most of it.
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