10 skills that I can build to be a better employee/worker
From the perspective of a software developer
1. Code with ChatGPT
Keep getting better at this
2. Write More Python
It is the de-facto language of AI and machine learning
3. Teach on YouTube
Teaching is a great way to learn
4. Analyze my time: how much is rework? How could this be reduced?
5. Make internal deadlines for myself
In addition to pledges made during a sprint: From Pomodoro timelines to "before I stop working for the day"
6. Make structured meetings with QA part if the workflow
One meeting before starting a project, one before it is deployed to QA server
7. Write book/blog about progress
By thinking about publishing what I am doing, whether I publish it or not, forces me to step up my game!
8. Keep notes for a weekly accountability report to myself
9. Keep track of all interactions with QA
Why did they happen? How could they be shortened and improved? What did I miss?
10. Take extreme ownership: everything is my fault
This can be a difficult thing to do, but I have found that when I try there is a certain calm about it: I can only do what I can do to improve the situation. Complaining actually stresses me out and does nothing to solve the isssue.
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