10 stories from my life I might want to write about
Image prompt: long-haired bearded man carrying a sign that says "$1 Jokes", in the style of Bruegel mixed with the style of Van Gogh mixed with the style of 3D Pixar, intricate details, colorful, subtle shades, LSD background painted with broad strokes

1. The Turkish truck driver who sniffed my feet
2. The day psychiatric hospital when I was 13
I wrote a thread about this on Twitter.
3. Going to Russia with my girlfriend (who's from Russia)
More specifically, that time when her dad whipped my butt with branches in the saune (it's a thing).
4. The rave party in the Mexican jungle
5. That guy who was hitting on me hard at a party when I was 18
I mean I guess he was harrassing me, really.
6. Hitchhiking across Canada
7. NYC by myself at 16
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