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10 Superpowers I Wish I Had Right Now!

@Mysteries Here are the superpowers I wish

    1. Unlimited Eat, and no weight gain

    I would give my right hand to have this superpower. I am a foodie and put on weight even if I drink water- what a problem to have!! I would love to be able to eat whatever I want to and not put on weight

    2. Blissful

    I would love to be in a continuous state of happiness- no stressed mind or face. Inspite of all the yoga n meditation, I get stressed out easily, and worse is that it shows up on my face immediately.

    3. Brain power

    I would love to be able to remember whatever I read. I try to read books/articles/blogs- though I barely remember anything. would love to remember them all.

    4. People person

    I like to be honest and straightforward in my conversations, which also means that I am not always sugar-coating things. Inspite of that, I like to be liked by "all" types of people. So, I would love to have a superpower where I still can speak my mind and still no one gets offended

    5. Written and verbal communication

    This is not something I paid much attention to earlier in my life. However, I am trying to improve it every year. I would love to be a perfect communicator- both written and verbal. I would love to be able to express my mind freely without words/com skills limiting me.

    6. Good health

    I would love to have a superpower where I can cure any diseases I or my friends/family may have.

    7. Money

    I would not mind having a superpower where I can create as much money as I need- not more , not less. at least then, i don't have to worry about this part and can spend my time however i want.

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