10 Themes in my information diet this month
I consume a huge amount of information, through YouTube, audiobooks, courses and for my job. Sometimes there are coincidences, and other times there are memes where certain topics are trending across my landscape.
i Also realized the "landscape" of my feeds changes on a dime thanks to the YouTube and Amazon algorithms and "data sharing". I watch one video on fixing an air conditioner and I am shown 50 more videos about the same topic.
I am very relieved that all of my Internet activity is safe for work, because I frequently share my screen and have ads pop up.
1. When you practice you are supposed to fail, it is part of the journey
2. Intermittent fasting should be part of most people's life
I have pretty much overdosed on information on this topic. Pretty simple: skip breakfast. Every once in a while, or even for extended periods skip breakfast and lunch and a few times a year don't eat for a few days.
3. Consistent effort and striving every day will eventually bring success, but maybe not in the way you first considered it
4. I had some surprising crossovers in reading books that mentioned Robert Oppenheimer (nuclear bomb) and then the movie came out. I should probably see it.
5. Breath, and how you breathe is important
I have started consciously breathing through my nose as much as possible. I had always assumed that I had permanent allergies that made me unable to do it. After a few days, my sinuses opened up: it has changed my life.
6. Mindfulness and being present can be practiced at any time
I have tried approaching washing the dishes as if I am a monk preparing a temple: this does not work all the time but it occasionally makes washing the dishes a profound experience.
7. Reading a lot is a super power
8. It is important to put in the work: LeBron James, Tiger Woods, etc. were great BEFORE they became recognized for it: during their practice
9. Many people that achieve great success are driven by great pain: it is OK to not go to that level in your personal life.
Elon Musk mentions this: he is very personable, but his internal drive is very intense and he sometimes describes it as physically painful. He can't turn it off.
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