10 Things I am Grateful For Today
1. I am grateful that I did not get married in my 20s like many of my mates.
Marriage is a beautiful thing but it can be more beautiful if the union is formed on self-evident principles rather than on dogmas.
I lived most of my 20s with malformed ideas.
And in my 30s I am now getting a clear view of what anything is.
I am grateful I did not marry in my 20s.
What would I have taught my children?
Maybe my mate figured out these things early.
2. I am grateful for the times I was impulsive.
In June 2021, I met a beautiful lady on the internet.
A few weeks later, I decided I’ll move to her country to be with her. Marry her and start a family.
I did. In February 2022.
We are not married yet though.
And for that too…
3. I am grateful I can finally travel back to Ghana.
4. I am still grateful that we did not get married
For the same reason I am grateful I did not get married in my 20s.
5. I am grateful I can see clearly now.
And the clarity gets better day by day.
Maybe I will copy James’s book “I was blind but now I can see”, change a few words and publish it under my name.
I know James will but it out of curiosity:
What did that guy change in my book?
Did he make it better?
6. I am grateful for how simple life is.
I was like a toddler who could not count to 10 without having oranges as bisual aid… and now I am becoming like the math professor who can reason with complex equations.
7. I am grateful for the cold weather here in Ethiopia
I have always wanted to live in a cold place.
8. I am grateful for the life flowing through me right now.
It wonderful and absolute genius how this force works.
9. I am grateful for those beautiful birds we call chicken.
What would be our staple source of protein if they could refuse to be domesticated.
10. I am grateful I can see.
Not in the sense of the physical visual sense. But in terms of perceiving and understanding.
11. I am grateful for how much I have grown in the past 8 months.
I have always been growing.
But this is the first time I am conscious of it as it happens.
12. I am grateful for the parts of me that died so that I could be here today.
13. I am grateful that my internet package expired this morning...
...just before I could post my gratitude list.
Now I am writing this list in a beautiful park near our apartment and i feel cold and awesome.
14. I am grateful for all the lessons I learned today.
15. I am grateful I now say OUR when I speak of myself in relation to my girlfriend.
In the past, I was a lone stone in an ocean of people. It was always I and My.
16. I am grateful for all the people who died today.
Maybe they did so that new babies can make their entry into this world.
17. I am grateful for all the babies born today
Potential new ideas to challenge the status quo.
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