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Ideas Post

Things I Came Across or Thought of Today

A small round-up.

Things I Came Across or Thought of Today

    1. Les Frigos Solidaires in Paris

    Many restaurants and shops use these fridges to reduce food waste and Enable underprivileged populations to benefit from healthy and easily accessible food. The project’s main beneficiaries are homeless people, students, retirees, and large families.

    Go SDG :)

    2. Tea waste to Socks in Japan

    Making green tea bottles results in 100s of Tons of Tea waste. These wastes are recycled to create hundreds of products such as socks, benches, etc.

    3. QR code reading tells how to recycle

    A Japanese middle school student built an app that shows how to recycle a product by reading the QR code. It can be hard to know where to throw complicated products.

    4. Confusing the readers

    I read Nassim Taleb’s new medium article. I highlighted the below:

    “Why are you confusing the reader with both Nero Tulip and yourself”, I was often asked by those who did not find the mixture too uncanny and continued reading the text. “What’s wrong with confusing the reader?” was my usual answer. The good thing about inserting “randomness” in the title is that it allowed me to write about anything that crossed my mind, given the ubiquity of chance and, worse, the lack of awareness of it.

    My comment:

    Agree. It is fine to be confused. We should be sophisticated enough to be confused and NOT miss the point. We should be able to hold contradicting truths and opinions.

    5. You can speak a language well and still not communicate well

    The Japanese language is hard to learn, but reading the air (context) is harder. High-context languages go beyond spoken words.

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