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10 Things I Like About Airports

    1. I like watching people from different countries... walking around with different sized and colored luggage... getting ready to fly to different parts of the world.

    2. I like that they have lots of places to shop at but... have WAY more places to sit and rest at than shopping malls!

    3. I like those flat horizontal escalators that bring you from Point A to Point B so much faster and that make you feel like you're gliding while you're walking.

    4. I like watching planes fly up high into the sky while I'm sitting down and relaxing.

    5. I like the premium lounges that have comfy seating, and you can eat as much as you want whenever you want.

    6. I like the feeling that I can just drop and forget everything I'm currently doing because I'm on my way to somewhere else to relax and play.

    7. I like all the neat souvenirs and gifts they have for sale that are hard to find anywhere else.

    8. I like the feeling of having a plane ticket in my hands because it feels cool... like I have a special pass to somewhere other people can't go.

    9. I like that they have lots of washrooms everywhere, and lots of water fountains where you can fill up your water bottle anytime while you're walking around.

    10. I like being able to stroll around and have fun at airports way after midnight, while most shopping malls are already closed at that time.

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