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10 Things I Love About Getting Older

I don't consider myself old at all, but as a proud member of Generation X I know if you would ask a Gen Z person they would think I'm really old. It's all perspective. If you have the right mindset, and you take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health, you can feel as young as ever.

    1. I worry far less about what others say about me or think about me.

    I'm not 100% immune to what other people think or say, but boy do I concern myself with it so much less than when I was younger. By the way, this goes for when people praise me, denigrate me, or completely ignore me. I have learned the best approach is to stay even-keeled in all situations.

    2. I don't need a lot of 'stuff.'

    I sold my house and got rid of 50% of my belongings last year and not once have I pined over a single item. In fact, I look around my house today and I can easily get rid of most of the remaining stuff and not care at all. The list of things I own that I truly value is pretty short and I love it that way.

    3. I learned that we're all, all of us - including so-called experts and superheroes to whom we look up - are just making it up as we go along.

    None of us really know what the hell we're doing. We're just trying to get through this wacky journey called life. So relax and enjoy the ride.

    4. I am less afraid of death but I do feel it coming.

    Don't get me wrong. I have zero interest in dying and I plan to live a long, healthy life. I simply don't worry about my death. The one thing I do like to do, however, is to use death as a deadline to take action. This wouldn't have worked for me in my 20s as death didn't seem real or imminent. Now, in my 40s, I have a sense that death is closer and time is getting shorter. If there's something I want to do, I take action much more readily than when I was younger because I realize if the door closes on an opportunity it may not open again.

    5. I have full control over my time and attention.

    There is perhaps no greater endeavor in life than to gain freedom over your time and attention.

    If you are stuck in a job you hate, a relationship that makes you depressed, or a location that does not inspire you, then the best thing you can do for yourself today is to start working on an exit plan.

    6. Other than controlling time and attention, my health and vitality are my highest values.

    I embrace getting plenty of rest each night, exercise, meditation, and anything that is inspiring and that edifies me. If something or someone is trying to take away from those two values, then I simply walk away from those things or people.

    7. I'm calm. I know how to create space between a stimulus and my response.

    I rarely react impulsively. It can happen, sure, but far less than when I was younger. I think when you have enough experience reacting emotionally to things with little thought, and the inevitable negative consequences, you start to learn how to give pause before reacting. It takes time and practice.

    8. I know how to preserve my energy and attention for the most important people.

    I'm learning more and more how important some relationships are to me, and how unimportant nearly all the rest are. Knowing this helps me focus on who is most important and ignore the people who are not important (especially toxic people).

    9. I'm more physically fit now than I was 20 years ago and I continue to get better.

    So many people think getting older equates to "dad bod" and other such nonsense we hear in our culture. It does not have to be that way. @randomroger can speak to the details on this one better than I can, but I do know that I am in excellent physical condition thanks to daily exercise (running, flexibility/mobility work, and strength training) and a relatively healthy diet.

    10. It all goes so fast. Enjoy it now.

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