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10 things I'm learning about the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Mostly from memory, so there may be some inaccuracies.

10 things I'm learning about the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan

    1. Nagorno-Karabakh, an ethnically Armenian region, was put under the Azerbaijani Soviet state by Stalin

    2. The map looks a bit weird

    I guess Nagorno-Karabakh is now part of Azerbaijan because of the war, but it's an exclave.

    3. Azerbaijan recently imposed a blockade on Nagorno-Karabakh and close to 100K people fled to Armenia

    At least one person died of hunger.

    4. Azerbaijan sent them a bunch of flour during the blockade to show that they cared but people even struggled to have access to water which made it pretty much useless

    An Armenian friend told me this.

    5. Armenia doesn't seem to have a ton of support and they've been persecuted/attacked for a while

    I think Russia sort of supports them? I think I heard something about France helping them.

    6. You'd think Israel would support a nation that's been historically persecuted, but Israel supports Azerbaijan

    7. I heard that part of why Israel supports Azerbaijan is because they could put a military base there in order to be geographically close to Iran if needed

    8. The first proper war between Armenia and Azerbaijan was in the 90s after the end of the USSR, and Armenia won

    9. A serious war broke out in late 2020

    10. The Artsakh Republic (the actual name of Nagorno-Karabakh) surrended in September

    11. What is (or was) the Republic of Artsakh?

    My understanding is that it's an ethnically Armenian region that either wanted to be part of Armenia again or become independent. It was internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan since the 90s but a conflict had been going on ever since, and now Azerbaijan has taken complete control over it. I've read that it will officially dissolve in 2024.

    12. Who should you support?

    From the little that I know, it seems quite clear that Azerbaijan is "the bad guy" here, but I'd love to hear different perspectives. I may be biased because I spent one month in Armenia.

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