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Ideas Post

10 things or actions or something else that is or are small for me but may mean a lot to someone else

    1. A dollar. I have thousands of dollars. I really do. And I might spend $100 of them on some silly product. Although I rarely spend money. I like keeping it. People in Bangladesh might survive on pennies per day ! I could donate to them.

    2. Having a home. That's very natural. I've always had a home. Not everyone has a home though. And it is small for me. I don't care. I might as well be homeless. Being happy is a decision.

    3. Hearing something kind. Some people are suicidal. They want to die. I might save their life. Accidentally. Or deliberately. I can easily reach out to some of them. Online. And say something kind.

    4. Food. It's all the same. Many people are obese. Many people are hungry. People who have food want more food. People who have no food want more food. That is very strange. But it's logical.

    5. Being looked or stared at. Some people might hate it. But maybe someone will feel seen. Some people feel like nobody notices them ever. How do I know that ? I don't. I've seen some movies. Maybe I've felt that way. I don't know.

    6. Opening the door for someone. I did that when I went to school. I would just wait there and keep the door open. So that everyone could pass through. At first some people thanked me. But later - they didn't seem to notice.

    7. Give a gift. I hate gifts. I am rarely attached to anything physical. I like abilities and memories. But some people like gifts. My mother likes these kinds of things. That might mean a lot to people.

    8. Compliment someone. I tried to say 100 compliments to 100 people over 100 days. I failed. Why ? Why ? I'm almost ashamed. But I didn't try hard enough. I'm busy being ambitious. I have lots of excuses.

    9. Fail at something. And then talk about what you've learned. It might inspire people to fail. It might turn people into billionaires. You never know. Maybe I am turning YOU into a billionaire. Do you even want this ?

    10. Write an inspiring story. I love writing. It's amazing. It feels good. I might even cry about it. I also like to read. Sometimes I read inspiring stories. And they inspire me. Then I think that nobody can stop me.

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