10 things that you in the future (12 months from now) will thank your present self for doing
1. Sticking with your current job
2. Finishing school
The last year is the toughest. Not from the level of material but the dragging commitment. Weekends, evenings, holidays--all dominated by homework, lectures, studying, tests.
3. Quitting vaping
Transitioning to vape from cigarettes was relatively easy. Dialing down the vape has been good. Now I need to drop that last little bit and break the habit permanently.
4. Sell excess 'stuff'
Accumulating gadgets and toys need to go. Stop buying Kickstarters for random things. Sell the excess stuff or donate it.
5. Daily Buddhist prayer
6. Vipassana meditation retreat
Get on the waiting list now for next spring and attend.
7. Reduce supplements
I have been taking some supplements that month-to-month are pricey and have a negligible impact on my health. Cut the cost and save the money.
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