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10 Thoughts on almost breaking a NotePD streak

Through a technical problem where my post didn't work, I almost broke my streak. I was able to notice it and post in time it got me to think about what the streak means to me.

not sure where the piano came from but AI gave me 2 in a row like this:

10 Thoughts on almost breaking a NotePD streak

    1. When I was building this habit, the streak was a very important motivator

    Now that I have the habit it is more automatic and I have integrated the practice into my lifestyle.

    2. Since this happened, I have been considering the idea that everything is temporary

    3. By realizing that everything is temporary, it helped me to be more present in the moment

    4. I realized that the personal benefit of this mental exercise is more important than maintaining the streak

    5. The fact that I developed a habit means that I'm not as concerned if I do miss a day.

    I have done this with exercise. I've made exercise a consistent habit. I still occasionally miss one or two days in a row. Beyond that is a slippery slope back to no exercise at all but as long as I don't skip the third day in a row, I have still maintained my habit.

    6. I began considering alternatives to this format

    I am a super fan of this website and process. But I realize that it could go away at any time. I could post on Medium every day. I am unlikely to maintain a paper journal.

    7. I was glad to have the opportunity to catch up my streak.

    That is a good feature: a mulligan!

    8. Streaks and leaderboards are important online indicators of trust and experience

    They indicate how engaged someone is in a particular system, because they have views, likes, followers, and so on.

    9. The world is turning into a social proof system

    Thanks to the business models of the major players right now, like (X) Twitter and (Meta) Facebook, your data is sold as a user profile. Job matching algorithms also use these external signals to judge your level of employability. If you don't level up in the right places or level up in the wrong places, you can be algorithmically excluded from jobs and other opportunities.

    10. I was not really that worried about it, but I'm glad I still have it

    Life will go on either way.

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