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10 Tips for Finding Your Writing Style


I messed up.

I forgot the sound of my writing voice.

It’s the worst feeling when you are looking at a blank page and you can’t will yourself to type anything. It’s impossible to draft a single word, or even write one sentence. You have no idea what to write. You know you want to write, you just don’t know how. You long fondly for the days you used to enter the zone freely and ideas flowed.

I have been struggling with writers block for years now. And looking back, it started when I stopped being true to myself. When I started listening to society, waiting for it’s approval. My writing mojo started to diminish. I didn’t notice it then, until I couldn’t write anymore.

They say, everyone has a book inside them. We all have unique life experiences that are important to us. Sometimes, those experiences can be seen, shared with others in various ways. If you are like me, you use words to share your experiences with the world.

Unfortunately, when you can’t find the words to tell your story. And words are the only means you know how to use, it makes you weaker, sadder and the light in your life is dimmer. This year, I made the conscious decision to create publicly and it’s been so liberating.

Slowly, I am reaching to the depths of my soul looking for my voice. It’s a raw, beautiful and very slow experience, but I am getting there, day by day.

These are 10 ways that you can use to find your writing voice

    1. Write, Write, Write

    Let your writing flow freely and don’t worry about making mistakes. Writing is an iterative process, and there is no need to be perfect. Don’t be afraid to write whatever comes to mind; even if it’s not perfect, it can still be useful in finding your voice.

    Try writing a poem or a short story, or compose a script or a piece of journalism. This will help you to explore different tones and perspectives, and find the style of writing that best suits you.

    Don’t worry about making mistakes or going off topic; the goal here is to just get your ideas down on paper.

    2. Identify Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses

    Examine your own writing strengths and weaknesses to get a better understanding of your writing style and voice. Pay attention to the words you use, the structure of your sentences, and the aesthetic of your piece.

    Once you identify what you are doing well and what needs improvement, you can more easily adjust your voice to suit the piece you are writing.

    3. Listen to Music

    Put on some music that inspires you and try to write while it’s playing. The music can be a great way to get into the writing mood and can help you to focus on your work.

    Listening to specific songs or genres of music can help you to find your unique voice. Certain types of music can evoke certain emotions in you that we can draw upon in our writing. For example, a slow jazz song might inspire feelings of nostalgia, or a rap song might inspire feelings of motivation. By listening to the music that speaks to you, you can tap into your emotions and use them in your writing.

    4. Seek Inspiration from Other Writers

    Reading the works of other writers can give you insight into their writing voice and style, and can be a great source of inspiration. Look for authors whose writing style resonates with you, and use their work as a model for your own.

    Talk to like minded individuals and get inspiration from them.

    At times, it can be helpful to draw inspiration from the work of other writers. Read authors whose writing you admire and pay attention to the style, tone, and structure of their work. You can then start to incorporate some of those elements into your own writing.

    5. Listen to Your Voice

    Listen to yourself talking and writing, and pay attention to the tone and phrasing you use. Make note of the words and phrases you use, and try to incorporate those into your writing. This is a great way to discover your writing voice as it is something you already have within you.

    Try to speak your work out loud. As you do this, you’ll be able to hear the rhythm and flow of your writing and it will help you to find your own unique voice.

    By getting in touch with the voice inside your head and the words that come to you naturally, you can start to understand how your writing can sound. Pay attention to how you phrase things to yourself and how you express your thoughts in your writing. This can help you to find the right tone and style for your writing.

    6. Think About Your Audience

    Consider who you are writing for and what they might expect from your writing. This will help you to find the right tone and style that will resonate with your readers.

    7. Take a Writing Class

    Taking a writing class can be a great way to hone your writing skills and find your voice. You can learn about different writing techniques, practice different styles of writing, and get feedback from your instructor.

    8. Read Widely

    Reading different styles of writing can help you to develop your own writing style. Reading different authors and genres of writing can help you to find your own writing voice. It is important to read widely as it can help you to find inspiration and to develop an appreciation of different styles of writing.

    It's also important to ready everyday.

    9. Look Within

    You can often find your writing voice by looking within yourself. Reflecting on what makes you unique and the things that you are passionate about can help you to find your writing voice. It is important to be honest with yourself and to think deeply about the things that matter to you.

    10. Experiment

    Experimentation is a great way to find your writing voice. Trying different styles of writing and writing about different topics can help you to find the type of writing that speaks to you. Experimentation can help you to find your own style and to develop an appreciation for different types of writing.

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