10 Ways to Change by Adjusting Your Environment
In James Clear's recent newsletter, he had an idea that stuck with me:
“It is not necessary to change a person in order to change their behavior.
Just change their environment.”
1. Get some sun
If you are feeling down.
Look at the trees. The birds. Admire nature.
2. Throw away all junk food
If you are eating poorly.
Donate it, if that makes you feel better. Now you'd have to leave the house (or order) crappy food.
3. Stop going to bars
If you are drinking too much.
Or like #2, remove alcohol from your home.
4. Move to another company
If you feel stuck or hate your career.
Sometimes, we need a change of scenery. Or a change of management. Or co-workers.
5. Make new friends
If your current group is negative or a bad influence on you.
6. Delete social media apps from your phone
Can still use them on your computer, but it's harder to access that way.
7. Redecorate or Rearrange your home
If you need some inspiration or want a cozier place.
8. Stop going out late at night
"Nothing good happens after midnight."
9. Place your phone in another room
Before you go to bed. Or even during the day, if you are using it too much.
10. Remove the TV in your bedroom
If you have trouble sleeping. Or aren't spending enough time with your significant other.
11. Move
New home. New city. Sometimes we just need a fresh start.
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