10 ways to fake it till you make it
1. Say yes
You can't fake it if you don't say yes to opportunities. Don't let yourself be the person to say no to opportunities, let others do it for you and you'll be happily surprised.
2. Learn quickly
If you're in a meeting where you're the dumbest person in the room, listen and learn quickly.
3. Get a mentor
Find someone that knows what you need to do and how to do it. Ask them lots of questions.
4. Read documents
If there are documents related to your new job, role or project, absorb as much as you can.
5. Read books
When I manage new projects and I don't fully understand the topic, I'll read books on the subject. At the very least, I'll learn a bit more about the project.
6. Get help from others
If you're working with a team, leverage their expertise as much as possible.
7. Steal work
See if you can steal ideas from other similar areas. If you're trying to manage a specific type of project, take a look at how others have managed those type of projects and steal (adapt) the plan for your use.
8. Take online courses
9. Cold email others that have been through the work you're about to do or the role you're about to take on and ask for advice
10. Ask for help
If all else fails, ask for help from your boss. Ask if there are specific resources that you can use to help.
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