10 Ways to Get Someone To Change Their Mind
Techniques to get stubborn people to consider your point
1. The No-lose proposition
2. The Icky Proposal
3. Use their ideas against them!
4. Make them laugh at themselves or their side
5. The 'Yes' ladder
6. The "No" Ladder
Again, people don't like losing twice in a row so if u can get them saying "yes" early then it's easier to get them saying yes again later on since each concession seems smaller than the last one
7. Beating dead horses
Example : “Everyone agrees smoking is bad for your health – what would happen if everyone agreed never to smoke again
Would we save money
Would our health improve
What would we do with all that money
What would our lives be like without cigarettes
What else might we want now that we didn’t want before because we were too busy smoking
How could our lives change if we weren’t wasting time smoking every day
How could our businesses grow without smokers taking extra breaks every hour
What would happen if everyone stopped smoking tomorrow morning
Who would benefit from that most – us , or Big Tobacco
How much money would Big Tobacco lose
How much money could each of us make by quitting smoking right now
Wouldn’t this be an interesting experiment – let’s try quitting smoking cold turkey tomorrow
Who wants in ?!?!?!?!?!" By asking these questions first , you've beaten dead horses already
Now , arguing about whether or not cigarettes are good for you becomes much less important
You've moved past it
It's also very hard notto answer these questions honestly
If someone answers , "I don't know," or doesn't answer at all , he looks stupid
So even stubborn people will often answer these questions honestly and
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