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10 Ways to Lose Weight

    1. Fast 3 days in a row once per month

    Dr. Dom does this once every month to reset his body.

    2. Cut your carbs to 30 or lower a day

    This will force your body to switch from using glucose as fuel and run on fat instead.

    3. Eat high fat/ moderate protein

    There only esential fats, essential amino acids, minerals vitamins, micro nutrients, and electrolytes. There is no such thing as an essential carb.

    4. Workout in the morning fasted

    Workout in the morning fasted. Your body will have the lowest insulin because it hasn’t eaten in over 8 hours. This is how it works:

    1. Eating = insulin production

    2. Insulin production = fat storing hormone

    3. Fasting 8 hours= produce HGH

    4. HGH is Human Growth Hormone = Fat Burning Hormone

    5. Intermittent Fasting

    Eat 1-2 meals a day in a 6 hour feeding window, fast for 18 hours. easiest way to do this is eat between 1 PM and 7 PM. Just have coffee and water for breakfast, it will get you thru until 1pm.

    6. Calorie Deficit (not recommended but can work)

    Old science and nutrition says burn more calories than you take in. Yes, this will work most of the time but your body adapt and will simply burn fewer calories because your body will realize it is getting less calories and will therefore burn fewer calories to make up the loss. It can work... not my favorite way though.

    7. Lift Heavy Weights

    Lifting heavy 4 times a week creates muscle which is a fat burning machine, also helps create testosterone and HGH.

    8. Get Tons of Sleep

    Get Sleep - Cortisol is the hormone that stores fat and is a stress hormone. Sleep, relaxation, and sun all help keep it down. It uses the same raw material to create testosterone (fat burning hgh) or cortisol. Your body makes the decision which to use based on its state of stress or relaxation. If the body senses stress it preserves fuel (aka fat) but when it is relaxes it helps lipolysis (fat release).

    9. Have tons of Sex

    Have tons of Sex - As much as possible but responsibly of course. Greatest workout, especially abs, reduces cortisol, etc. And it’s like the best thing in the world also, like in general.

    10. Cardio - 4 x a Week for 1 hour

    Cardio x 4 times a week. Dr. Peter Attia says that cardio + weights 4 x a week each improves life span and weight loss more than anything.

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