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10 Ways To Make Your Money Work For You Instead of Vice-Versa

    1. Use your money to gather data. To help you make better decisions. And find hidden opportunities.

    2. Use your money to invest in new tools and gadgets that make your work more fun and interesting. Gadgets are to adults what toys are to kids.

    3. Use your money to build Flywheel Systems around key processes in your business. For more details on the "Flywheel", read the book "Good to Great".

    4. Use your money to hire coaches and consultants who are 10 to 20 years ahead of you. So you can move forward more easily while avoiding the pitfalls.

    5. Invest your money in improving key and critical processes in your life and business. So they can yield more output with the same or less input.

    6. Use your money to run small experiments and find out what people want and don't want. This data will help you discover hot new product ideas in future.

    7. Use your money to improve yourself. And bring your body and mind to the next level. Your life is the sum of all your actions and decisions.

    8. Use your money to gain access to new training opportunities for yourself and your team.

    9. Use your money to hire people (or buy gadgets) to do stuff you don't like to do. Or stuff you're not good at doing. So you can focus on doing what you thrive at.

    10. Use your money to build proprietary systems and software to help automate and run repetitive parts of your life and business.

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